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All written material here, and uncited photographs and images, are copyright Observatoire Solaire. Our usage policy for Observatoire Solaire copyright material is:-
* It is available free of charge for individual works, student projects, teachers and lecturers, non-profit organisations (such as astronomy clubs) and registered charities; and
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* It is used within books, educational articles and periodicals, science related magazines or newspapers in any media form.
This permission is granted on condition that suitable attribution is made. Please include 'Courtesy of Observatoire Solaire' associated with the relevant diagram, together with a link to this website.
All written material here, and uncited photographs and images, are copyright Observatoire Solaire. Our usage policy for Observatoire Solaire copyright material is:-
* It is available free of charge for individual works, student projects, teachers and lecturers, non-profit organisations (such as astronomy clubs) and registered charities; and
* It can be used freely without citation for any non-commercial use and can be modified as required.
Where you would like to use the material here for commercial purposes this is granted without any need to seek our confirmation if:-
* It is used within books, educational articles and periodicals, science related magazines or newspapers in any media form.
This permission is granted on condition that suitable attribution is made. Please include 'Courtesy of Observatoire Solaire' associated with the relevant diagram, together with a link to this website.